CAAS Frequently Asked Questions

What is CAAS?

CAAS stands for the Center for Advising and Academic Success, and serves all residential and online students during their time here at NCSSM.  The purpose and function of the Center is to provide individual, ongoing and real-time academic support and guidance for all students.  

Some of the CAAS services include:

Who are the advisors and staff of CAAS?

CAAS is staffed by a Director and NCSSM faculty from each of our academic departments.  

How do I contact the advisors/staff if I would like to talk with someone?

The CAAS advisors and staff can be contacted through the email address  In order to request an appointment with an advisor, students may use the link on the CAAS website or complete an Student Appointment Request Form.  

What are the operating hours of CAAS?

Students can contact CAAS staff at any time through the email provided above.  A member of the staff will respond as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours after the message is received (during the workweek).