Resources for CAAS Advisors and Counselors
Welcome to the CAAS Advisors and Counselors Resource Page
Below are links to important locations in the shared CAAS Drive you will find helpful in the advising process
Important Fall Dates
P2 grades release November 8
Last Day to Drop a Class and/or Request a Pass/No Pass November 19
Thanksgiving Break November 23-December 1
Last Day of Classes for Durham/Morganton/Online December 9
Final Assessments December 10-13
Final grades release December 19
Winter Break December 14-January 8
Faculty who would like to create an early alert or refer a student
to CAAS for academic support, please complete the
CAAS Meeting Types
Criteria for support
Support Plan
A student requires a support plan if they have multiple C- grades, a C- and a D grade, or multiple D grades.
Students meet with a CAAS advisor if they have multiple C- grades or a C- and ONE D grade, or if they have ONE D grade
Students meet with their assigned counselor if they have multiple D grades.
If CAAS has the capability for extra students, advisors will be assigned to monitor a student.
Students will be monitored if they…
Have 3 C+ grades
Have 2 C grades
Have 1 C- grade
CAAS Counselor Partnership
A CAAS advisor may be asked to partner with a counselor if...
a student meets the criteria for a CAAS advisor, but has additional mental health concerns
At P1 the student met with a CAAS advisor, but at P2 the student meets the criteria to meet with a counselor.
In the CAAS Counselor partnership, if the student has multiple D grades the Counselor should plan to complete the support plan with the student, and the CAAS advisor can serve as backup for additional success resources.
Meeting Types
Support Plan Meetings
Frequency: Once per week
Meeting Type:
A. If it is your first meeting of the semester you should plan to meet in person or virtually
B.Secondary meetings could be in person, virtual (zoom or google chat), email, or text
Discussion Points:
A Current study habits- ask them to walk you through their process of how they study and how often they study
B Note taking abilities- ask to see examples of their notes. Encourage them to rewrite notes to improve memory and understanding. You may need to suggest a new method of note taking or provide suggestions on their note taking that can improve their course performance.
C Time Management Skills:
a. print out their course schedule and ask the student to walk you through their day. Be sure to write in club meetings, meal times, free time to relax, potential time for homework, TA study hours, and office hours.
b. Once you have the physical calendar filled out encourage them to begin using their google calendar for EVERYTHING. This will allow them to get notification reminders on their phone for when to start and stop tasks. Sometimes it is beneficial to color code activities (example: class is red, homework time is blue, club meetings is orange, etc,)
c.It is often helpful to ask the student to provide a course syllabus for each of their courses so that you can help them stay on track with their assignments. It is helpful to them if advisors email or text them at least once per week to make sure specific assignments are submitted.
D Assignment Prioritization:
Use the ABC method for prioritizing assignments. You can use this as an example while you are meeting with them to teach them this skill. There are other methods that work as well. Use your best judgment for what will work best for your student. You may need to reach out to individual instructors for realistic timeframes for assignment completion. Students sometimes look through rose colored glasses when planning how long it will take to complete a task.
Monitoring Meetings
Frequency: Once every two to three weeks depending on how the student is doing
Meeting Type:
A. In person, virtual (zoom or google chat), email, or text
Discussion Points:
A Current study habits- ask them to walk you through their process of how they study and how often they study
B Note taking abilities- ask to see examples of their notes. Encourage them to rewrite notes to improve memory and understanding. You may need to suggest a new method of note taking or provide suggestions on their note taking that can improve their course performance.
C Time Management Skills:
a. print out their course schedule and ask the student to walk you through their day. Be sure to write in club meetings, meal times, free time to relax, potential time for homework, TA study hours, and office hours.
b. Once you have the physical calendar filled out encourage them to begin using their google calendar for EVERYTHING. This will allow them to get notification reminders on their phone for when to start and stop tasks. Sometimes it is beneficial to color code activities (example: class is red, homework time is blue, club meetings is orange, etc,)
c.It is often helpful to ask the student to provide a course syllabus for each of their courses so that you can help them stay on track with their assignments. It is helpful to them if advisors email or text them at least once per week to make sure specific assignments are submitted.
D Assignment Prioritization:
Use the ABC method for prioritizing assignments. You can use this as an example while you are meeting with them to teach them this skill. There are other methods that work as well. Use your best judgment for what will work best for your student. You may need to reach out to individual instructors for realistic timeframes for assignment completion. Students sometimes look through rose colored glasses when planning how long it will take to complete a task.
NCSSM CAAS Academic Guidelines
CAAS Advisor Expectations
Advisors should plan to spend 30-45 minutes with each student on their caseload per week. This includes reach-out, meetings, and documentation.
If you find that a student is requiring more than 1 hour per week of your time, please contact Jessica Stroup, at
Helpful Academic Policies
For P2, the following information about P/NP, dropping a course, the late work policy and grade recovery options will be helpful…
Options for Academic Relief
Relief from Multiple Major Assignments
Students at NCSSM are expected to manage their time effectively in order to complete multiple assignments each academic day. For major assignments, it is essential that students are able to do their best. Any student who has three or more major assignments (including tests) due in a 24-hour period may request relief.
Procedure for Requesting Relief:
1. As soon as possible, students should write one email, including all relevant instructors as recipients, to explain the situation and ask if any of the instructors are able to grant an extension or an opportunity to submit an assignment early. Instructors can then communicate with the student and each other by replying to all email recipients.
2. If a resolution cannot be reached by Step #1, the student may contact the CAAS office for assistance. The student must submit, in writing, a list of the courses, instructors, and assignments involved. The request should be submitted as early as possible, but no later than two academic days in advance. The CAAS team needs time to contact instructors and determine the best course of action. The student and instructors are then notified of the approved change.
Late or Make-Up Work
Students are expected to complete and submit all coursework, exams, quizzes, and labs by the deadlines established by the instructor.
Instructors will publish all classroom regulations including penalties for late work in their Course
• All sections of the same course must have the same regulations for late or make-up work.
• All Instructors will be mindful of the significant demands of our student course load and consider timely requests for rescheduling the submission of individual assignments.
• No work (other than final exams/assessments) may be accepted after the last class day in each term. For students who have a documented family emergency, medical issue, or mental health issue that has impacted their ability to complete the work by the deadline, the student’s faculty member(s) or counselor will submit an Extension/Incomplete Request Form. Counseling, Academic Programs, and Clinic (when applicable) will review the student’s documentation. If it meets the qualifying criteria, the request will be sent to the Associate Vice Chancellors for Academic Programs and Dean of Counseling /Director of Counseling and Wellness for a final decision. If the administrative extension is approved, make-up work must be prioritized over recreational activities and must be submitted to instructors by the deadline specified by the administrative extension.
• Final exams and final assessments must be completed no later than the final scheduled examination period.
Credit Recovery Plan
Eligibility - The Credit Recovery Plan is for students who:
• Receive a D, NP, or U in a course, and
• Are not recommended for Grade or Credit Replacement by the instructor or Dean or do not complete a grade or credit replacement course, and
• Wish to qualify, respectively, to graduate (seniors) or return for the senior year (juniors).
• If a student is approved by the Academic Programs Office for Credit Recovery, representatives from the support team and Academic Programs Office will notify the student and parent/guardian(s).
• The student and parent/guardian(s) sign a contract agreeing to a completion date for the Credit Recovery Plan, which is then approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs or Student Life (depending on the course).
• The due date for all credit recovery work to be submitted is 10 business days from the time that the credit recovery contract is created.
• The recovery assessment(s) could include an exam, project, and/or other activities. The instructor specifies the minimum level of performance required on the recovery assessments for the D, NP, or U to be replaced by a C-, P, or S, respectively.
• On the contract, the instructor may establish a timeline for completion of the work, either during the academic year (for fall semester or J-Term courses) or during the summer (for spring semester courses) and will indicate their availability for help.
• If the student successfully completes the credit recovery program, the D, P, or U on the transcript is replaced with a C-, P, or S, respectively.
• The student may choose to prepare for the exam and/or other required assessments in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, referring to course materials on Canvas, accessing online tutorials or practice modules, tutoring to be arranged by the student’s family, and extra help from a faculty member at NCSSM.
Cost(s) -
If the Credit Recovery Plan is completed during the summer, there is a fee-for-service option offered outside the regular academic program. The costs of the Credit Recovery Plan are borne by the student’s family. The total cost is based on the instructor’s time to prepare and assess work, $167.00 for a half day or $334.00 for a full day, as agreed upon in the contract.
Academic Probation (students with a grade of D, NP, or U)
Students who receive any one grade of D, NP, or U and whose appeal to remain a student at NCSSM is approved through the Academic Review Procedure are placed on Academic Probation for the following semester. An Advisor, Counselor, and Community Coordinator constitute the support team. This team works with the student and parents/guardians to develop an Academic Support Plan for academic success. Such a plan may include, but is not limited to: required tutorial attendance, mandatory supervised study, study contract, study partners, dropping a sport or extracurricular activity, dropping a Special Study Option, dropping an elective, or adjusting course placement.
During the spring semester of the senior year, a student is required to pass all courses in order to earn their diploma. If a spring semester senior earns a D, NP, or U in any of their courses, they may be required to complete credit recovery (pending eligibility).
For any semester prior to the spring semester of the senior year, a student who does not meet academic expectations, as listed below, will receive written notice to either withdraw or appeal to remain.
• Earns a D, NP, or U as a semester or course-ending grade;
• Does not meet eligibility requirements to be invited to attend NCSSM for the senior year; or
• Fails during the previous semester to make satisfactory progress toward graduation
Unsatisfactory- fill out enrollment intention form, agree to be on support plan for start of year. Notified you will retain the mark but are allowed to continue at NCSSM. For RE/PA- student must complete credit recovery